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According to the NCAA, student-athletes are considered prospects once they enter the 7th grade. Basketball prospects may have to market themselves if they want to play a certain level of basketball. Believe it or not there are "markets and levels" in grassroots basketball just like college and professional hoops. 


The ultimate boost in recruitment. Emailing, calling, texting and direct messaging prep schools and college basketball programs to assist in recruitment can help you Leverage Your Future!


Bilal Benjamin, founder of 1st Love Basketball (NCAA CERTIFIED RECRUITING ANALYST)  has been traveling across the country as a National Evaluator and Journalist covering basketball on all levels. Benjamin's had intellectual conversations with prime-time coaches, high level scouts/evaluators and professional players to figure out how to best help the student-athlete LEVERAGE their futures. Benjamin came up with LEVERAGE for student-athletes 6th-12th grade/post grad. 


Why is LEVERAGE for you? What can LEVERAGE do for you? Where can LEVERAGE take you? 


We consult with current and former college coaches for their expertise about level, placement and how to properly assist in players recruitment.


Middle School: 6th-8th grade - Use the information we generate to have LEVERAGE in a prep school recruitment process into your college recruitment throughout the years.

High School: 9th-12th grade/post grad - Use the information we generate to have LEVERAGE in a prep school and/or college recruitment process.


Create a player profile below. Then choose your package. (Benefits are a one time fee, unless you are looking to upgrade your Benefit.)

We will work with student-athletes throughout the duration of their grassroots basketball career and even into college if needed.

There are three benefits available: (All benefits require us to attend a game or be sent 2 full game films if you aren't in our area)

Benefit 1 - provides three certified PDF documents. The first document will be your completed player profile, which prospects can include in any registration forms or applications one may fill out. 


The second document is a player scouting report. This scouting report will be an unbiased, honest and open-minded report through the lens of a Professional Hoops-Elite Grassroots Evaluator (Bilal Benjamin) and a former 1,000 point scorer in High School, College Basketball Recruiting Analyst and Elite Grassroots Evaluator, Shaquan Worthy. This authentic report will allow one to know where their game currently stands, where we believe your game will expand most and more. We'll include a list of programs to target. 


The third document will be an evaluation breakdown. In this document, we'll provide an in-depth look into the student-athletes overall game. Detailing the most important aspects of the prospect's game. We'll cover components both offensively and defensively, according to position. This evaluation will include a player-point system where we rate the tangibles and intangibles. The last two documents are designed for the prospect, through our unbiased, honest and open-minded take on what might be attractive to prep school or college coaches to their game and what areas must be improved in order to reach one's potential.


Benefit 2 - everything in Benefit 1, along with a personalized video breakdown. This breakdown will be from 1st Love Basketball receiving 2 games on film that you send to us and will include the prospects in game best attributes. The analysis given with the video breakdown is to give the prospects a high level analysis of their game. In which they can send along in communication to coaches, along with their player profile and scouting report. This will help the student-athlete gain the ultimate exposure.


Benefit 3 - everything in Benefit 1 & 2, along with us using our connections to contact prep school or college coaches. In addition to 50% off any 1st Love Basketball Event.


Group and Team discounts available.

Groups 4-6 players

Team 7-10+ players

Leverage Alumni

(Players listed are in college or graduated)

TJ Robinson - University of Milwaukee (D1) 

Terrance Jones - Norfolk St (D1)

Richard Jones - Mississippi Valley St (D1)

Quayson Williams - Citadel (D1)

Reggie James - Albany State (D2)

Aidan Anderson - Lincoln University (D2)

Patrick Higgins - Drew University (D3)

Brandon Nunez - Pratt University (D3)

Shaquan Worthy - New Jersey City University (D3)


High School

(Benefit 2)



High School

(Benefit 3)


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